Monday 15 June 2015

Serba-Serbi KPR yang Harus Diketahui

Membeli rumah semakin mudah dengan adanya Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR). Melalui KPR, Anda dapat segera menempati rumah sendiri meski belum memiliki dana yang cukup. Akan tetapi, untuk mengajukan KPR kepada bank ada ketentuan dan proses yang harus dilalui. Agar pengajuan kredit diterima bank, simak serba-serbi yang harus diketahui tentang KPR di bawah ini.

KPR Memudahkan Pembelian Rumah
KPR adalah layanan peminjaman dari bank kepada nasabah untuk membeli rumah dengan cara kredit. Produk pembiayaan yang diberikan dapat mencapai 90% dari harga rumah. Jika membeli rumah lewat KPR, nasabah cukup membayar uang muka karena sisanya akan dilunasi bank. Sebagai gantinya, nasabah mencicil biaya pelunasan per bulan kepada bank dengan disertai bunga. Melalui KPR, artinya rumah yang dibeli menjadi jaminan pinjaman. Jika pinjaman tak bisa dilunasi, rumah tersebut akan disita bank.

Pahami Peraturan Pengajuan KPR
Menurut aturan Bank Indonesia, minimal uang muka KPR adalah 30% untuk rumah pertama dan 50% untuk rumah kedua. Membayar lebih besar dari DP yang ditetapkan akan mengurangi biaya angsuran per bulan. Cicilan KPR biasanya dihitung maksimal 1/3 atau 30% dari total penghasilan. Anda juga harus paham jika tidak semua pengajuan KPR akan diterima oleh bank. Saat pengajuan KPR, bank akan memeriksa riwayat kredit nasabah. Jika nasabah masih punya utang kartu kredit atau riwayat pembayaran hal lain yang buruk, permohonan KPR kemungkinan besar ditolak.

Cermat Membayar Cicilan
Cicilan KPR terdiri atas utang pokok dan bunga. Utang pokok artinya nominal uang yang belum dilunasi nasabah ketika membeli rumah. Sedangkan bunga adalah biaya jasa KPR yang ditentukan oleh bank tersebut atas persetujuan Bank Indonesia. Bunga KPR ada dua macam, yaitu fixed (tetap) dan floating (mengambang). Fixed artinya nasabah membayar bunga dengan nilai tetap selama periode yang telah disepakati. Sedangkan floating artinya nilai bunga berubah-ubah sesuai dengan ketetapan bank dan tergantung pada pasar suku bunga.


Relative Clauses

Relative clauses are non-essential parts of a sentence. They may add meaning, but if they are removed, the sentence will still function grammatically. There are two broad types of relative clauses in English. It is important to distinguish between them because it affects the choice of pronoun used to introduce the clause. There is a more detailed page about preposition placement in relative clauses.


A defining or identifying clause tells us which specific person or thing we are talking about in a larger group of people or things. If a defining relative clause is removed, the meaning of the sentence changes significantly. A defining relative clauses is not separated from the rest of the sentence by commas or parentheses.


  • The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
  • The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
  • The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
  • The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

A non-defining or non-essential clause gives us more information about the person or thing we are talking about. If a non-defining relative clause is removed from a sentence, we lose some detail, but the overall meaninf of the sentence remains the same. Non-defining relative clauses are always set off from the rest of the sentence with commas or parentheses.

  • The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
  • Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
  • The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
  • My mother, who is 86, lives in Paris.

Relative Clauses, Relative Clause Reduction and Subjunctive

Exercise 37: Relative Clauses

1. The last record which produced by this company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts that require a minimum balance are very common now.
3. The professor whom you spoke yesterday is not here today.
4. John whose grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship.
5. Felipe bought a camera which has three lenses.
6. Frank is the man who we are going to nominate for the office or treasurer.
7. The doctor is with a patient whose leg was broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the woman who is going to Chinaa next year.
9. Janet wants a typewriter that self-corrects.
10. The book which I found last week contains some useful information.
11. Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article which indicated that he disliked the president.
13. The director of the program who graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year.
14. This is the book that I have been looking for all year.
15. William whose brother is a lawyer wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38: Relative Clause Reduction

1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.
2. All of the money accepted has already been released.
3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia.
4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.
5. The girl drinking coffe is Mary Allen.
6. John's wife, a professor, has written several papers on this subject.
7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8. The book on the top shelf is the one that I need.
9. The number of students counted is quite high.
10. Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day.

Exercise 39: Subjunctive

1. The teacher demanded the student to leave the room.
2. Correct
3. It was very important that we delayed discussion.
4. Correct
5. The king decreed the new laws to take effect the following months.
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. His father prefers him to attend a different university.
9. The faculty stipulated the rule to be abolished.
10. She urged us to find another alternative.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Pilih Gunakan Uang Tunai atau Kartu Kredit?

Beragam penawaran menarik yang diberikan kartu kredit memang menggiurkan. Tapi jika tidak ingin terlilit masalah karena penggunaan kartu kredit yang tidak bijak, ada baiknya Anda memilah-milah antara penggunaan kartu kredit dan uang tunai.

Gunakan UANG TUNAI untuk membeli...

Memang banyak kartu kredit yang menawarkan diskon untuk restoran tertentu. Tapi, untuk makanan lebih baik Anda membayarnya dengan uang tunai. Pasalnya, saat Anda tergiur dengan diskon-diskon tersebut bukan hanya tagihan kartu kredit yang akan semakin bertambah namun porsi makan yang dipesan pun akan lebih banyak daripada yang dibutuhkan.

Kebutuhan Sehari-hari
Belanja di supermarket atau ingin menambah koleksi pakaian Anda, sebaiknya hindari penggunaan kartu kredit. Walaupun diskon yang ditawarkan cukup besar, namun Anda jadi tergoda untuk membeli barang-barang yang tidak diperlukan.

Gunakan KARTU KREDIT untuk membeli...

Sudah punya gadget yang diincar tapi uang Anda belum mencukupi? Nah inilah saatnya Anda memaksimalkan tawaran cicilan 0%. Dengan begitu, Anda bisa memiliki gadget yang diinginkan dalam waktu lebih cepat tanpa perlu merasakan krisis keuangan.

Tiket Konser atau Pesawat
Jika Anda berencana untuk liburan ataupun menonton konser, saatnya mengeluarkan kartu kredit Anda. Biasanya beberapa bank memiliki penawaran menarik untuk pembelian tiket-tiket tersebut lho, selain itu dengan membelinya jauh-jauh hari tentu harganya akan lebih murah.


Passive Voice

Use of Passive

passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. it is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus is on fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it. Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows: A mistake was made.
In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blama anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake).

Form of Passive

S + finite form of to be + past participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)
Example: A letter was written.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

  • the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
  • the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
  • the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)


Enough, Because/Because Of, So/Such, Passive Voice, and Causative Verbs

Exercise 32: Enough

1. enough people
2. french enough
3. enough time
4. fast enough
5. soon enough
6. early enough
7. hard enough
8. slowly enough
9. enough flour
10. enough books

Exercise 33: Because/Because Of

1. because
2. because
3. because of
4. because
5. because of
6. because of
7. because of
8. because
9. because
10. because of

Exercise 34: So/Such

1. so
2. such
3. so
4. such
5. so
6. so
7. such
8. so
9. such
10. such
11. so
12. so
13. such
14. so
15. so

Exercise 35: Passive Voice

1. The President is called by somebody every day.
2. The other members are being called by John.
3. Mr. Watson will be called tonight by somebody.
4. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire.
5. The supplies should be bought for this class by the teacher.

Exercise 36: Causative Verbs

1. leave
2. repaired
3. to type
4. call
5. painted
6. write
7. lie
8. sent
9. to cut
10. to sign
11. leave
12. to wash
13, fixed
14. published
15. to find

Monday 20 April 2015

Adjectives and Adverbs, Linking (Copulative) Verbs, and Comparisons

Exercise 26: Adjectives and Adverbs (Page 107)

1. well
2. intense
3. brightly
4. fluent
5. fluently
6. smooth
7. accurately
8. bitter
9. soon
10. fast

Exercise 27: Linking (Copulative) Verbs (Page 109)

1. teribble
2. well
3. good
4. calm
5. sick
6. quickly
7. diligently
8. vehemently
9. relaxed
10. noisy

Exercise 28: Comparisons (Page 114)

1. as soon
2. more important
3. as well
4. more expensive
5. as hot
6. more talented
7.more colorful
8. happier
9. worse
10. faster

Exercise 29: Comparisons (Page 104)

1. than
2. than
3. from
4. than
5. as
6. than
7. as
8. than
9. than

Exercise 30: Comparisons (Page 117-118)

1. best
2. happiest
3. faster
4. creamiest
5. more colorful
6. better
7. good
8. more awkwardly
9. least
10. prettiest
11. the best
12. from
13. less impressive
14. the sicker
15.  when
16. twice more than
17. few
18. much
19. farthest
20. more famous